Monday, July 16, 2012

Calling for Cabin Crew

121.300 MHz Pantai Clearance Delivery

First Officer: "Air PBC 147 airways to Pantai Air Traffic Control"
Pantai ATC: "Go ahead, Air PBC 147"
PBC 147: "Tower, Air PBC 147 requesting for slot delay 64-FS. We're on a holdback for crew shortage. Awaiting for more cabin crew to sign up"
ATC: "Roger. What shortage are you facing?"
PBC 147: "Our flight deck still has various vacancies. We are need crew who are courageous, love kids and are who not afraid to fly high for God!"
ATC: "Roger. I'll put it out on the Guard airband"

121.500 MHZ Guard Airband
ATC: " Calling all Traffic. We have various crew positions available at Air PBC 147 that need to be filled up before they can take off. Please radio your AirChief for prayerful consideration and encouragement to sign up at Matt 25:40 MHz"

See you all at the PBC VBS 2012 sign-up counter! Come, experience and share to kids about our Awesome God, Amazing Power!

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