Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 5: Concert Day!

What a wonderful blessed day that we had at the last day for the Family Concert! We had some new friends, Capt Joe, Siri-M and Orville not Wright joining us. Hope you all had a great time at the concert and do please join us at the Sunday School tomorrow at 11.00am at Pantai Baptist Church!




Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 4: Resurrection

Day Four – Friday, 23rd November 2012

Today is the last day of VBS before Concert Day! Time flies so quickly. It feels as if it was only yesterday when we first saw our passengers registering for the flight on Day 1. We continued our journey with another time of praise and song led by the worship team. Our passengers really had a blast singing and dancing along to the songs that they have been learning at the Matterhorn. Captain Marvin gave a short and meaningful message about how the lost are not always blind, and the ways we can repent from sin and return to the loving arms of God.

After a brief prayer, our passengers flew off to Victoria Falls for a time of bible study and reflection on God. The lesson today was about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The story is taken from the gospel of John. It recounts how God sent his beloved Son to die on the cross for us, that Jesus was resurrected, and appeared to the disciples and Mary. Our passengers were very interested in the story and were eager to hear more about it.

At the Great Barrier Reef, they made model compasses, to represent the importance of not straying from the path of truth.  Meanwhile, the Northern Lights were resonating with Ooh’s and Aah’s as the older passengers learned about the children of Siliguri, India and their living conditions. They sympathized with the struggles of these children.

The Grand Canyon was a quieter today as the passengers did not have their whistles with them but it was still lively and full of action as the younger passengers played a name game, Air Traffic Control. The older - Standard 3 to 6 - passengers had fun with a game of Butt Ball, a variation of Captain Ball, in which the players have to play sitting down.

Music at the Matterhorn was a blast as the passengers practiced for their various concert song performances. They are ready and excited for the big day tomorrow and were full of enthusiasm and eagerness for Concert Day. After, the passengers zoomed off to the Paricutin Volcano for a delicious meal. On the menu today: Curly Wurly Vermicelli, Aileron Jelly, and sweet blackcurrant juice.

As the VBS bell rang, the passengers soared back to the comfort of Victoria Falls for a continuation of the bible study they had earlier. They wrapped up the lesson with their teachers and then flew off to the hangar for a flytastic time of praise and worship. Our passengers also practiced for the Family Concert tomorrow. As usual, we ended the day with a prayer and the Goodbye Song. They then turned to home with happy hearts and joyful souls.

VBS Alert: Do remember that it is Concert Day tomorrow! All passengers, please remember to bring your parents and wear your VBS T-shirts to the concert. Please be there for the Opening Rally at 8:30 a.m. sharp. There will be a parenting talk in the PBC 2nd hall at 9am for the parents while our passengers are in class.

Thank you, and God Bless!




Thursday, November 22, 2012

VBS Day 3: He is Truly Worthy!

Day Three – Thursday, 22nd November 2012

Day 3 of the VBS Amazing Wonders Aviation was really a BLAST! We kick-started the day with a lively worship session with the VBS music team, then continued watching the in-flight video, which the passengers thoroughly enjoyed. Then, after a brief prayer and talk about God’s power over sin by Captain Joshua, the passengers wasted no time in zooming off to Victoria Falls for their bible study with their teachers.

Today’s lesson is taken from Luke chapter 2 verses 21 to 22. It recounts the story of how Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus met Simeon and Anna at the Temple. Simeon prophesized that Jesus would be the Messiah, and that he would be the one to save us all from the clutches of sin. The passengers also had photo shoot in their classes with their teachers and helpers, which were taken by the friendly in-flight photographers.

Soon, the VBS Bell rang and the passengers took off for their respective rotation sites. At Crafts at the Great Barrier Reef, the younger passengers made a beautiful Sun catcher, which really enthralled them and brightened up their day. Meanwhile, the Grand Canyon was filled with the sound of shrill whistles and shrieks of delight and excitement—the sound of the passengers playing Jet Engine, a fun game in which the passengers had to divide themselves into two groups, the Free and Easy, and the Rules and Regulations. The object of the game was for the Rules and Regulations to catch the Free and Easy while blowing their whistles, and bring them to the safe area. The Kindy and Standard 1 and 2 passengers, however did not have any whistles because they were still young and did not have enough stamina for the whistle-blowing.

At the Matterhorn we can hear melodious voices of the passengers singing their hearts out and dancing to the beat of the meaningful song, “Worthy.” The Standard 5 and 6 passengers however had an added bonus—they sang the lively and upbeat song, In Your Power to prepare for their performance onstage during the Concert Day. They really enjoyed it and had a smashing time. The song Worthy was meaningful and had a peaceful and soothing melody to it.
At the Paricutin Volcano, the passengers munched on some Mini Missiles and Turbopop Ice-cream with Sonic Boom Pie. They were refreshed and ready to go once they’d finished eating, and swiftly flew off to the Northern Lights for their Missions Under The Northern Lights session. Uncle Shaun Ling gave an invigorating talk about the nation of Myanmar, and the refugees from the countries that are in Malaysia. The passengers were kept spellbound by the talk and the lovely pictures and the informative slideshow.

When the VBS Bell rang again, the passengers flew towards Victoria Falls for the closing session of bible study and wrapped up the lesson for today. Then, they headed for the Hangar for another worship session. After the closing prayer, the passengers and their air crew headed back for home sweet home.

Attention: Please remember to wear your VBS T-shirts for Concert Day on Saturday! Thank you and have a nice day!