Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 1 of VBS 2012!

Day One – Tuesday, 20th November 2012

We started the first day of VBS with a BOOM! The passengers came flying in early in the morning with much excitement. We had a beautiful, sunny day, a perfect day for flying!

In the opening rally, the passengers got acquainted with our catchy theme song, Amazing Wonder Aviation. We sang, laughed, and danced our hearts out. We had Captain Marvin coming in to give a talk about how wonderfully we are made by an amazing God.  Our cabin crew and passengers flew to the classes (Victoria Falls) to learn about God’s power over nature. The bible passage is taken from Joshua 3-4.  The passengers learn that God has power over all things.

The passengers propelled to all the different rotation sites:  crafts at Great Barrier Reef, where they made an Aviator’s Hat. They also learned about the Mongolians in Missions Under The Northern Lights. Did you know that only 0.7 percent of the population there are Christian? Also, Mongolia is a desert country, and there are 12 different languages spoken by the people there. That is why we need the Awesome Power of God to help spread the Word to Mongolia and tell them about God!
Next, we had some exciting games and recreation at the Grand Canyon, where the passengers had an absolutely superb time playing Cross the River, where participants had to use paper plates that symbolized the Awesome Power of God to cross the “Jordan River” which was a path drawn with chalk to mark the boundaries of the “river”. This game reminded the passengers of today’s bible lesson, which was about Joshua crossing the Jordan River with the Israelites with the mighty hand of God. They had a really fun time playing that game and enjoyed it very much.

After that, the passengers had a blast munching on a savory spread of snacks, namely a Cauldron Breakfast with Bernoulli Biscuits and Soya Bean Milk.

After a refreshing snack, the passengers went to the Matterhorn for a session of Music and Dance. Today, they learnt the Amazing Wonders Aviation theme song, guided by the enthusiastic Worship team. The passengers really had a flytastic time.

Later, they went back to their respective classes for the closing bible study. The passengers wrapped up their bible sessions guided by their teachers.

After the last VBS Bell, they all adjourned to the Hangar for the closing rally. The passengers then ended the day with a flying high time of worship and praise.

Postscript: Passengers, please be reminded that you will be taking your new VBS T-shirts along with your VBS Concert and Sunday School open day invitation slips back home tomorrow.  

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